Can You Help in Sharing the Gospel Truth with Muslim People? / by gapfillorgblog

GapFill Partners,I don't think it is a coincidence that GapFill has been receiving more and more requests for help in sharing the Gospel with Muslims.  Muslim evangelism is one of the toughest fields of Christian witness.  The harvest looks ripe, the missionaries are in place, can you help?


Arabic Bibles

Italian translators needed for Muslim evangelism

Two Italians are needed to translate an evangelistic video with Bible study materials developed by Christians in the Middle East.


Car Needed

Car needed for Muslim evangelism

This single woman missionary, who is running a Christian mission school for local Arabs, is in need of a car.


School Needs

Mission school needs for Muslim evangelism

Can you donate toward some of these school essentials from this list of mission school needs in a sensitive area of the world?

Hindi/Bengali Worship

Using music to spread the name of Jesus in India

The door is wide open in India to creatively use music as an outreach. Can you help the young people of India write Hindi/Bengali worship songs to Jesus?

A door for effective work with Muslims has opened.  We would love for you to be a part of it!

Blessings and thank you for your continued generosity,
