A Personal Thank You from GapFill.org's Founder / by gapfillorgblog


As this season of Thanksgiving is upon us, we thought it was a perfect time for the debut of GapFill.org's

newsletter. What a wonderful time of year to say thank you for how The Lord is using YOU through GapFill.org to further His work, one gap at a time. Thank YOU for being the hands and feet of Jesus. We would like to share the highlights of some of the missionary projects that YOU, GapFill.org donors, help complete.


Bobb Lewis Walking

Helping Bobb Walk

YOU purchased for Bobb Lewis the Bioness Foot Drop Device back in 2012 after he suffered a stroke on the mission field. This device is helping Bobb walk better while he and Kayleen are on the mission field serving fulltime in Malaysia.


Hearing Aids for Phil

Hearing Aids for Phil Rojak

YOU donated toward hearing aids for Phil Rojak. We posted Phil's need back in 2012 and waited to see what God would do. God answered our prayers over and above what we could have asked or imagined.


Mesem New Testament

The Mesem New Testament Dedication

Many GapFill donors know the Vanaria's personally and YOU donated toward their return to Papua New Guinea for the Mesem New Testament dedication.  I was blessed to be able to attend and will be forever grateful for the ability to experience firsthand the power of the Holy Spirit as we walked up the path amongst the singing and dancing of praises to Jesus.


Nabak Hymnal

Nabak Hymnals

We couldn't talk about Papua New Guinea without mentioning Grace Fabian.  She also was in Papua New Guinea this year but was returning to the Nabak people with more copies of Nabak hymnals that YOU purchased. What a way to spend her 75th birthday!


The Charest Family

Retreat for Missionary with Cancer

Joel and Adrienne Charest, Missionaries in Mozambique, had their retreat funded by YOU in 4 days (a new GapFill record). Joel has been battling cancer and this time away was such a blessing.

There were many other completed items that YOU

made possible...

  • a van for the Bedients;

  • school fees and basic food and housing for Susie Leo and her children after the sudden death of her husband;

  • Christiane and Thomas Weber's trip back to Papua New Guinea with 230 solar powered MP3 Audio Bibles;

  • a missionary family that was in crisis and needed to be evacuated from a "sensitive nation".

Thank YOU again so very much.  May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be will all of you this Thanksgiving season! (2 Cor 13:13)



Visit our Current Current Needs tab on the GapFill.org's website to see how you can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus.