Will You Partner With GapFill.org? / by gapfillorgblog


As 2013 comes to a close, will you consider partnering with us and give a year-end, tax-deductible gift to help "fill in the gap" for Christian missionaries. These men and woman are living examples of Isaiah 52:7, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!” (NLT)Here are some highlights of projects that still need funding. You can also visit the donate tab on GapFill.org's  website for a one-time gift or to set-up automatic monthly donations.


Helping Bobb Walk Better

Helping Bobb Walk

GapFill.org donors purchased for Bobb Lewis the Bioness Foot Drop Device back in 2012 after he suffered a stroke on the mission field. Bobb has made great progress with his foot drop device and is now ready for added stability and stimuli with a “thigh cuff” add on (L300 Plus). Please prayerfully consider donating to this worthwhile addition to Bobb’s current leg device as Bobb and Kayleen continue to serve Jesus in Malaysia.

Help Amos

Help Amos

Matthew and Sarah, Christian missionaries serving in a "sensitive area", found out their newborn son Amos had Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC).  As a result, they headed stateside to Fort Worth, TX to be near a TSC Center. They are currently staying with family as they find treatment for Amos and a place to live.

Time Sensitive Projects

Time Sensitive Projects

Periodically, GapFill hears of missionary projects that are time sensitive and funds are needed immediately. Funds donated to this project will be accumulated and distributed when GapFill is made aware of these needs. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Children's Home

Children's Home

We continue to wait patiently and pray with John and Kay for children to fill this beautiful facility. It is only a matter of time before eight of the neediest of children will fill the building with love and laughter.

Help Widows and Orphans

Help Widows and Orphans

Help John and Kay West as they provide for widows and orphans in South Africa. Your donation will help oversee building projects for widows, the payment of fees for the education of children, distribute clothing, food and Bibles.

Thank you for partnering with GapFill.org. We wish you and your loved ones a blessed 2014.



Visit our Current Needs tab on the GapFill.org's website  to see how you can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus.