Before The Year Is Over...Thank You! / by gapfillorgblog

I cannot put into words how blessed I feel to be part of this GapFill community who all feel such a passion for Christian mission work. I do not believe you will truly know the impact you have had this side of heaven on Christian missionary’s lives, and for that I humbly thank you. Some of that impact this year was...

Phil Carr’s Medical Needs

Phil has come so far since medevaced out of Papua New Guinea in January 2021. First to Australia then to his homeland of New Zealand. The community of believers, many having never met Phil, quickly joined in praying, giving, and coming alongside the Carr family. What a year it has been as you stood beside Chris, his wife, as I can only imagine was taking it one day at a time. Praise God that Phil continued to make progress throughout the year and is now standing.

Chris sends periodic updates which you can find on Phil’s webpage.

Victims of Human Trafficking

As they renovate an acquired site in Los Angeles to create a home for victims, all plans have been submitted and they are currently waiting on the permits to be approved.

Mission School Needs

When the school was shut down due to COVID, the teachers went door to door delivering food and supplies as most families had none. They opened for the 2021/2022 school year and they “Praise God for His manifold blessings upon them throughout the year.”

As we reflect on this past year and its challenges, it can be easy to get discouraged. But, because we put our faith in Jesus, we can choose to hope in the midst of the challenges.

May the heart of Jesus bless you with His eternal love in 2022 … and always!

 We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.
(1 Thessalonians 1:2, 

Review All Current Needs on the website